Jeff Small


Ph.D., Applied Linguistics, University of Southern California (1994)
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Kansas (1994-1996), Simon Fraser University 1996-1997)


Phone: (604) 822-5798
Fax: (604) 822-6569



My research focuses on how persons with Alzheimer’s disease and their care partners may benefit from using memory and communication strategies in their everyday interactions. I also investigate barriers and strategies to promoting effective communication for deaf or hard of hearing older adults. For more information on this and other research being conducted in my Adult Language and Disorders Lab, please click on the following link: Adult Language processing and Disorders Lab

Small, J. A., & Cochrane, D. (2023). Effect of speech rate and complexity on sentence comprehension in Alzheimer’s disease. Speech, Language and Hearing, 1-8.

Howe, T., Davies, K., Small, J., Chen, T., & Pillay, I.  (2020). Protocol: Nonpharmacological direct and indirect interventions for optimizing communication in adults with dementia: An overview of systematic reviews. Prospero International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews. Registration #CRD42020220718.

Wilson, R., Cochrane, D., Mihailidis, A., & Small, J. (2020). Mobile Apps to Support Caregiver-Resident Communication in Long-Term Care: Systematic Search and Content Analysis. JMIR Aging, 3(1), e17136. doi:10.2196/17136

Small, J. & Cochrane, D. (2020). Spaced Retrieval and Episodic Memory Training in Alzheimer’s Disease. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 15, 519-536

Wilson R, & Small, J. (2020). Care Staff Perspectives on Using Mobile Technology to Support Communication in Long-Term Care: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Nursing, 3(1), e2188. doi: 10.2196/21881

Small, J.A., Chan, S., Drance, E., Globerman, J., Ho, L., Hulko, W., O’Connor, D., Perry, J. & Stern, L. (2017).  Verbal and Nonverbal Turn-taking Behaviours of Care Staff and Residents in Linguistically Diverse Long-term Care Settings. In C. Plejert, R.W. Schrauff, & C. Lindholm (Eds.), Multilingual Interaction and Dementia. Multilingual Matters.

Small, J.A., Chan, S.M., Drance, E., Globerman, J., Hulko, W., O’Connor, D., Perry, J., Stern, L., & Ho, L. (2015). Verbal and nonverbal indicators of quality of communication between care staff and residents in ethnoculturally and linguistically diverse long-term care settings. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 30, 285–304.

Davies, K., Howe, T., Hsiung, R., Small, J.A., McCarron, E. (2023). The Communication Needs of People with Primary Progressive Aphasia and their Family: A Scoping Review, Nordic Aphasia Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 16, 2023.

Howe, T., Davies, K., Small, J.A., Pillay, I., & Chen, T. (2023). Barriers to implementing communication care for people with dementia in B.C.: Expert speech pathologists’ consensus (Poster Presentation). Westcoast Conference on Aging: Aging Matters, Simon Fraser University, Harbour Centre, April 21-22, 2023.

Beadle, J., Jenstad, L., Cochrane, D., & Small., J.A. (2022). Aging and social perceptions of hearing aid users. (Oral Presentation). 51st Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 21, 2022.

Beadle, J., Jenstad, L., Cochrane, D., & Small., J.A. (2022). Aging and social perceptions of hearing aid users.  (Poster Presentation). International Hearing Aid Research Conference, August 10-14, 2022, Tahoe City, California.

Nene, D., Choi, M., Yu, A., Mirian, M. S., Small, J., Jenstad, L. M., & Appel-Cresswell, S. (2020). Functional Hearing Impairment Common In Parkinson’s Disease: Insights From A Pilot Study. Movement Disorders, 35, S339-S339.

Small, J. (2019). The Use of Mobile Technology and Memory Training to Improve Communication and Quality of Life for Seniors with Cognitive Impairment. Presentation at Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha, China. June 11, 2019.

Small, J. (2018). Strategies and Technology to Enhance Communication with Persons who have Alzheimer’s Disease. Presentation at the 2018 Alzheimer’s Disease Forum, UBC Clinic for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, UBC, May 26, 2018.

Wilson, R., Cochrane, D., Mihailidis, A., & Small, J. (2018). Review and Evaluation of Mobile Applications to Support Communication in Long-term Care. Poster presentation at the 47th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG), October 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Wilson, R., & Small, J. (2018). Using Mobile Technology to Support Communication in Long-term Care: An Exploratory Concept Mapping Study. Poster presentation at the 47th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG), October 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Small, J. & Marcynuk, M. (2017). Invited by the Institute for Continuing Care Education and Research (ICCER, University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services) to give a one-day symposium entitled “Communication Tools to Enhance Care”. This symposium had one on-site location at the University of Alberta (N=90), and over 30 real-time video-conferenced sites throughout Alberta (including rural areas), as well as sites in Ontario and New Brunswick (N=200+). Attendees represented a broad spectrum of health care professionals/workers, administrators, and academics. February 23, 2017.

Small, J., Wilson, R., Mihailidis, A., Cochrane, D. (2016). The use of mobile devices and communication apps to facilitate interactions with persons experiencing memory, language, and/or hearing impairments. Presentation in a symposium entitled “Interventions for adults with dementia and their caregivers” at the World Congress of Audiology, Vancouver, B.C., Sept 18-22, 2016.

Chair of a symposium entitled “Interventions for adults with dementia and their caregivers” at the World Congress of Audiology, Vancouver, B.C., Sept 18-22, 2016. Jeff Small, Chair; Presenters: Kate Dupuis, Tammy Hopper, Sara Mamo, Jeff Small.

Small, J., Wilson, R., Mihailidis, A., Cochrane, D. (2016). Promoting hearing and communication health in long-term residential care through the use of communication apps.  Presentation in a symposium entitled “Hearing Health as a Key Component of Healthy Aging” at The Canadian Acoustical Association, Vancouver BC, September 21-23, 2016.

Small, J.A. Spaced Retrieval: A User-friendly Cognitive Rehabilitation Strategy for Persons with Dementia. Workshop presented at the 24th Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry, Vancouver, B.C., September 30, 2015.

Small, J.A. Verbal and nonverbal indicators of quality of communication between care staff and residents in ethnoculturally and linguistically diverse long-term care settings. Invited presentation at a workshop entitled “Ethnic diversity and dementia: Cultural, social, and linguistic aspects” hosted by the Centre for Dementia Research (CEDER) at Linköping University, Sweden, May, 2014.

UBC Health: Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards. An Environmental Scan to Promote Effective Communication for Persons who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Live in B.C. Long-Term Care Facilities: 2022-2023 ($24,818). Principal Investigator: J. Small; Co-Investigators: J.Baumbusch, S. Freeman, L. Jenstad, G. Shyng, S. Hardern, A. Agboji, J. Beadle, D. Cochrane, L. Hung.

Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research / Convening & Collaborating (C2) Award; Collaborating to narrow the evidence-to-practice gap in communication care for people with dementia; Duration: 2019-2020 ($14,635); Principal Investigator: Dr. Tami Howe; Co-Investigator: Dr. J. Small, K. Davies, T. Chen, I. Pillay

TVN Health Technology Innovation operating grant (funded through the federal Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program); The use of mobile technology applications to improve communication between care staff and residents in long-term residential care facilities; Duration: 2015-2018 ($20,000); Principal Investigator: J. Small; Co-Investigator: R. Wilson, A. Mihailidis, C. Kohm, J. Tait

CIHR Operating Grant; Title: Episodic Memory Training for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease; Duration: 2013-2017 ($96,340); Principal Investigator: J. Small

CIHR Operating Grant; Title: New Frontiers in Memory Training for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease; Duration: 2009-2010 ($22,322); Principal Investigator: J. Small

AUDI 403, Introduction to Neurolinguistics
AUDI 530A, Research Methods
AUDI 572, Cognitive Processing and Acquired Language Disorders
AUDI 583, Advanced Speech Science (Speech Perception)
AUDI 585/546B, Language Development Across the Lifespan

I am a Qualified Health Researcher in the Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia at UBC (funded by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research); and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Gerontology at Simon Fraser University.