Lorienne Jenstad

Associate Professor

B.A. (Queens)
M.Cl.Sc. (Western Ontario)
Ph.D. (U. Washington)


Phone: (604) 822-4716
Fax: (604) 822-6569
E-mail: ljenstad@audiospeech.ubc.ca


Lorienne Jenstad, PhD, is an audiologist and Associate Professor at the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences, where she directs the Amplification Research Lab. She received her Master’s degree in audiology from the University of Western Ontario. Subsequently, she went to Seattle Washington for her doctoral studies with a focus on hearing aid processing for older adults. Her teaching and research expertise includes hearing aid processing, hearing and aging, and hearing health care for older adults. Her work has been funded by NSERC, CIHR, Mitacs, Vancouver Foundation, Michael Smith Health Research BC, and industrial partners.

Hearing aid amplification:
1) The effects of amplification signal processing on speech acoustics and speech intelligibility
2) Improved methods of hearing aid verification and validation
3) Use of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) for assessing hearing aid outcomes

Patient/provider communication:
1) Best practices for communication in health care
2) Communication in hearing health care
3) Supporting primary care providers in being champions of hearing health care for their patients

Jenstad LM & Donnelly M.  (2015) Hearing Care for Elders: A personal reflection on participatory action learning with primary care providers. American Journal of Audiology, 24(1), 23-30.

Holliday H, Jenstad LM, Purves B, Grosjean G. (2015) “You can lead a horse to water…”: Focus group perspectives on initiating and supporting hearing health change in older adults. American Journal of Audiology, 24(3), 360-376.

Baker S & Jenstad LM (2017) Matching real-ear targets for adult hearing aid fittings: NAL-NL1 and DSL v5.0 prescriptive formulae. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 41(2), 227-235. Accepted January 2017.

Chong FY & Jenstad LM (2018) A critical review of hearing-aid single-microphone noise-reduction studies in adults and children. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 13(6), 600-608. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17483107.2017.1392619

Kimball S, John A, Singh G, Jenstad LM. (2018). Implications and attitudes of audiologists towards smartphone integration in hearing healthcare. Hearing research, 369, 15-23.

Chong FY & Jenstad LM. (2018) Digital noise reduction in hearing aids and its acoustic effect on consonants /s/ and /z/. The Medical Journal of Malaysia, 73(6), 365-370.

Jenstad LM, Gillen L, Singh G, DeLongis A, Pang F. (2019). A Laboratory Evaluation of Contextual Factors Affecting Ratings of Speech in Noise: Implications for Ecological Momentary Assessment. Ear and hearing, 40(4), 823-832.

Ryall A, Jenstad, LM, Pumford, J, Howe, T, Grosjean, G. (2021). Counselling during real ear measurements: The clients’ perspective. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 32(02), 107-115.

Brown, S, Jenstad LM, Ryall A, Stephenson E. (2021). Changes in the prevalence and characteristics of hearing loss in a noise-exposed population 1980-2015. Canadian Acoustics, 49(1), 23-34.

Jenstad LM, Singh G, Boretzki M, DeLongis A, Fichtl E, Ho R, Huen M, Meyer V, Pang F, Stephenson E. (2021). Ecological momentary assessment: A field evaluation of subjective ratings of speech in noise. Ear and Hearing, 42(6), 1770-1781.

Poon BT, Jenstad LM. (2022) Communication with Face Masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic for Adults with Hearing Loss. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.

Ross K, Howe T, Jenstad LM. (2022) Designing a group yoga class for adults with aphasia: “From the minute you walk in… it is communicatively accessible”. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation.

(See Researchgate profile for complete list and some reprints: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lorienne-Jenstad )

Jenstad LM & MacDonald M.  The association between degree of hearing loss and depression in older adults.  Canadian Academy of Audiology, Victoria BC, October 2011.

Jenstad LM & Winsor DA.  Barriers and facilitators to hearing aid uptake in older females: A qualitative report.  International Conference on Adult Hearing Screening, Cernobbio, Italy, June 2012. 

Jenstad LM, Carter N & Ciocca V.  The effect of acoustic cue redundancy on the perception of stop consonants by older and younger adults.  International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, 2012.

Jenstad LM, Singh G, DeLongis A, Gillen L, Pang F.  The role of memory in hearing aid outcome measures.  International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2014.

Holliday H, Jenstad LM, Grosjean G, Purves B.  “You can lead a horse to water…”: Initiating and supporting change on the older adult’s journey to hearing health care.  International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August, 2014.

Chong FY & Jenstad LM.  Acoustic analysis of Mandarin retroflex sounds processed with and without noise reduction.  Canadian Academy of Audiology, Whistler BC, October 2014.

Jenstad LM, Gillen L, Singh G, DeLongis A & Pang F Effects of task focus on subjective ratings of speech in noise by listeners with hearing impairment, International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2016.

Jenstad LM, Cheng LSP, Kore ST.  Older adults and hearing health experiences: Relevance of health theories. World Congress of Audiology, Vancouver, BC, Sept 2016.

Huen M, Jenstad LM, Herdman A. Hearing aid processing of auditory evoked potential stimuli: Acoustic effects.  World Congress of Audiology, Vancouver, BC, Sept 2016.

Jenstad, LM, Singh G, DeLongis A, Pang F, Huen M, Meyer V, Ho R, Stephenson E. Ecological momentary assessment: A field evaluation of subjective ratings of speech in noise as a function of acoustic and task variables. International Hearing Aid Research Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2018.

Brown, S, Jenstad LM, Ryall A, Stephenson E. Changes in the prevalence and characteristics of hearing loss in a noise-exposed population 1980-2015. Canadian Academy of Audiology, Halifax NS, October 2019.

Jenstad LM, Pumford J, Ryall A, Howe T, Grosjean G. Counselling during real ear measurements: The clients’ perspective. American Academy of Audiology, Virtual. April 2021.

Breau, GM, Jenstad, L,  Abel, J., Mason, G., Colozzo, P, Halas, G. Howe, T, Rieger, C, Simon, L., Strachan, S. How does health professionals’ communication with patients with intellectual disability impact health outcomes? A scoping review of reviews. (Accepted to the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities European Conference (online) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from July 6-8, 2021).

AUDI 556 – Intro to Amplification
AUDI 557 – Advanced Amplification
AUDI 569 – Hearing and Aging